We want to protect your savings by stopping illegal access to super schemes.

It’s important to know when you can access your super early. Your super can only be accessed if you meet either a
common condition of release or a special condition of release.

Some people known as ‘promoters’ may offer to help you access your super early. They may tell you they can withdraw your super to use for personal purposes such as to buy a house or go on a holiday. This is illegal. If you’re approached by a promoter, protect your super and help us by
reporting it as soon as possible.

Be aware of people who are not qualified or licensed to be advising you about your super. You can visit the ASIC financial register to make sure the person or business you are dealing with has a financial license.

Better yet, check out an easy-to-read factsheet that highlights the dangers of illegally accessing your super early. https://www.ato.gov.au/uploadedFiles/Content/SPR/downloads/n75450_Illegal_Early_Release_Super_fact_sheet.pdf

Additional information about other super schemes targeting SMSFs can be found at https://community.ato.gov.au/s/topic/a0N9s000000DacBEAS